Gregg Payne
1343 Laburnum Ave. #A.
Chico Ca. 95928

Professional Resume 1977- 2007
Artist, Designer and Entrepreneur
Business Identity and Design and Consultation
Logo, Trademark and Facade Design
3-D Sonic, Optic, Interactive, and Kinetic Sculpture
Handpainted Murals, and Architectural Graphics
Community Art Project Consultation and Project Management

Mural Projects:
The Pageant Theater Mural
The Abbey Road Mural
Paradise Library Native Wildlife Murals
Discovery Shoppe Mural
Sports LTD Butte Creek and Sierras Scene
Wakefields Glass “Reflections of the Past” Murals
Gashouse Graphics
Tres Hombres Desert Graphics
Chico Cardiology “Runners in the Park” Mural
99 Dreams Aerosol Gallery Project
Sacramento. Ave. “Train of Thought” Graffiti Project
Lindo Channel Butterflies Aerosol Art Project
Chico Kiwanas Observatory Mural Project
Chico USA “Storm Drain Gang” Murals
PG&E/ Youth Nexus “Peaces of Chico” Natural Elements Mural
Bidwell Park Freeway Overpass Camouflage Project

3 Dimensional Public Art Projects:
Reptile Terrariums for Albuquerque Zoo
Time Capsule Sundial Sculpture for Kingman Az. City Hall
Satavas Art Glass Studio Giant Copper Wind Chime.
Bidwell Park Disc Golf Courses. Fabrication and installation of 40 tone poles
Recycled glass art media prototype development for Mini Grant Program
Wildwood Park Giant Xylophone project .
HiTunes Giant Aluminum Wind Chime Gallery
Keck Observatory Interactive Art Kiosk design and fabrication
Enloe Hospital Origami Crane Project
Boys and Girls Club Plaza. 24 Cube Benches
Giant Public Teliedoscope

Community Arts AwarenessEducation and Marketing Programs
Lead Proponent of the Chico Public Arts Fund Matching Program
Art Director for Advanced Light Technologies. Scientific illustration
COBA. 2002 Director: Chico Open Board Art Project
Original Director: COBA Mini Board Show.
Chico Art “It’s in Our Nature” Title, Slogan and Design consultant
Chico Chamber of Commerce Photographer for Digital image Library
Chico Art Commissioner, 2005-2007
Artoberfest Logo and, Calendar Design
Butte College Advanced Design and Typography Instructor
2007 Chico Public Art Survey
Print and Poster Designer for Creek Pollution Awareness Campaign
Cover Art Cartoonist for BEC Newsletter
Co-director for BAD, Butte Art and Design Digital Outdoor Gallery
Chico Public Art Program Policy and Procedure Revision